Ireland's First Elvis Page 1998-2025.
Elvis and Ireland

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UPDATE 22nd February 2025

My Elvis at 13 statue once owned by Priscilla Presley no less is due to be in the news again. Watch this space. 


2025  My astonishing Microsoft Word Memoir is found on google searches. Author Sean Kenny of California is guiding me. We met at my home in November. 

Elvis Presley's birthplace webpage features Maureen and I because of our Elvis statue Ideas. Elvis at 3 for Maureen and Elvis at 13 for yours truly. Highly successful!



STOP PRESS. 353 01 8403685

My Elvis memorabilia and I appeared on RTE1 TV Ireland last night! On the, "Dancing with the Stars", show. Thanks to TV Producer, Sorcha Hough.

Entrepreneur Gavin Duffy tweeted the news on twitter!


The RTE TV Dancing with the Stars Producer, camera men and two dancers were in my home yesterday recording my unique Elvis Presley memorabilia collection.  The video footage was broadcast.  

My Elvis memorabilia collection will  appeared on Ireland's Dancing with the Stars #RTE1 TV Show. 

R.I.P. Lisa Marie Presley. The music world is stunned.

WDtravel prints my Elvis Birthplace comment on it's coverage. Nice seeing, Priscilla Presley at Graceland again yesterday. Happy Birthday in the Cosmos Elvis. We will all be with you eventually. 

Had a nice Christmas card from Dolores Hart December 2023. Dolores Hart, deserves a Hollywood sidewalk Star. Another message arrived from Dolores  recently. She enjoyed the Robert Mitchum  newspaper article that I sent her and said she loved him!

legendary movie star, RobertMitchum. His daughter, Petrine Day Mitchum emailed ME two days ago!  She loves #Dingle county Kerry and would life to buy a cottege there. Petrine along with her two brothers  love the idea of having a bronze statue of her father erectd there

New statue of Elvis as a soldier in Germany is bound to be very popular indeed. Selfies galore!

My Robert Mitchum statue for Dingle idea is getting great newspaper coverage in Kerry and the rest of Ireland, including a supportive EDITORIAL. All due to the Elvis Presley link. 

Elvis Presley Festival took place in Tupelo Mississippi last weekend. I may have started the first one back in 1999. I had called the Mayor by phone from Ireland.

 Andy Warhol's Double Elvis sells at auction for 37 MILLION dollars including auction house Sotheby's commission. WOW.  

Priscilla Presley's  owned Elvis at 13 statuette from Will Munyon and Sons auctioneers of Beverly Hills California arrived at The Elvis Presley Story Museum Swords county Dublin Ireland. Newspapers are covering the amazing story. The, Dublin Gazette, Irish Sun, and Fingal Independent.  

On the left info and photos relating to the Elvis Presley documentary about our first trip to see Graceland, August 1997 thanks to RTE1 Radio Ireland. 

The Elvis Presley Story Museum in Swords Ireland is receiving a lot of media attention. The Irish Times, Irish Daily Mail, Irish Sun, Dublin Gazette, and the Fingal Independent. 

Contact  TEL 353 01 8403685. 


Check out Rex Martin's Elvis Forum for the latest Elvis News. 


New movie about Elvis  starring Tom Hanks as the Colonel is being filmed in Australia for release next year. Thay should generate some great publicity.

Elvis owned articles are fetching record prices at aution recently. A belt he owned sold for more than 300 thousands! A BELT!!!



Enjoy the latest Elvis Presley News on Combine Elvis and Colgan for some great stories. 

 What a Year for Elvis Presley  Success in the single CD Billboard chart. This Christmas time Elvis merchandise will be all over our shops here in Ireland. DVDs, CDs Books, Magazines, Calenders, Purses and Handbags etc

The British "Daily Mail" gave out a free DVD "Loving You" movie, starring Elvis and Dolores Hart, boosting the newspapers sales to close to 3, 000,000 for that day. (Yes Millions!)




Search Maureen Colgan on google for great Elvis related story.

Contacting the Media.

Elvis Presley fans wordwide should make it their business to contact all forms of the media at every opportunity. Here in Ireland yours truly has had great success by sheer persistance-it pays to be active! We have had results -TV, Radio, Magazines, Newspapers,etc. Elvis Presley Airport would be good for Memphis.

Elvis at 3 by Sculptor Michiel Van der Sommen. Sent to Maureen in thanks for her idea.


New movie about Elvis starring Tom hanks due out 2021!

Elvis DVDs and CDs selling well in 2020